TrashCan 1.0 by Thomas Willoughy Windows 3.1 brings Drag & Drop to the world of file management. Unfortunately the spiffy new File Manager still forces you to press Del to delete files. This TrashCan (like so many others out there) allows you to drop selected files from the File Manager in order to delete them. What makes this TrashCan better than the others? 1. It allows you to configure the launching of any program by double clicking its icon or selecting of its system menu. I set this feature up to launch my Windows Undelete program - logical place for it, in my opinion. 2. It allows deletion of entire subdirectory trees. Dragging the file folder (from the file window or the parent directory, not the tree window!) to TrashCan will cause it to recurse through the tree deleting everything in its path! If a subdirectory has been deleted, a series of keystrokes are piped through File Manager to refresh its tree (if only files have been deleted File Manager updates the file window on its own). 3. It allows for file deletion priveleges (system,hidden,read only). 4. It offers a wide choice of available icons (including a trash bin, shredder, toilet, & burning can). 5. A user configurable title. Call it the "Bit Bucket" or "Toilet Bowl". 6. It can remember its position on the desktop and restore it the next time it runs. I keep it in the lower right of the screen away from running program icons. 7. It's ANIMATED! When you drop files on it - pieces of paper fly into whatever can you've selected. A good indicator of what's happening. I am a user & advocate of Norton Desktop for Windows, but I have abandoned its file windows (Too slow!) and SmartErase (Won't do full trees!) for the much quicker File Manager and this TrashCan. I've set up a Batch Runner batch file that loads them both together (the same thing can be done with WinBatch). I wrote this utility as an excercise in Borland C++ to try out several things including: OWL apps with an icon as the main window Common Dialogs Drag & Drop Directory tree recursion Windows Timers (See the About Box!) Iconic Animation Iconic placement & movement on the desktop Owner Drawn List Box (for icon selection) Sending KeyStrokes to other apps (File Manager) The source code is available (see below!). I find that I can never have enough code examples on hand. TrashCan requires two DLL's SENDCHAR.DLL for sending keystrokes to File Manager BWCC.DLL for Borland Windows Custom Controls. If you find this utility useful, send $2 and a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope to: Thomas Willoughby 23303 Harvard Shore Clinton Township, MI 48035 you will receive a password that will allow you to continue using TrashCan beyond the customary Shareware 30 day trial period. TrashCan 1992 Thomas Willoughby License Agreement and Warranty Disclaimer You should carefully read the following terms and conditions before using this software. Use of this software indicates your acceptance of these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with them, do not use the software. Shareware Version You are hereby licensed to: use the Shareware Version of the software for a 30 day evaluation period; make as many copies of the Shareware version of this software and documentation as you wish; give exact copies of the original Shareware version to anyone; and distribute the Shareware version of the software and documentation in its unmodified form via electronic means. There is no charge for any of the above. You are specifically prohibited from charging, or requesting donations, for any such copies, however made; and from distributing the software and/or documentation with other products (commercial or otherwise) without prior written permission, with one exception: Disk Vendors approved by the Association of Shareware Professionals are permitted to redistribute TrashCan, subject to the conditions in this license, without specific written permission. Unregistered use of TrashCan after the 30-day evaluation period is in violation of federal copyright laws. (And not possible) Evaluation and Registration This is not free software. This license allows you to use this software for evaluation purposes without charge for a period of 30 days. If you use this software after the 30 day evaluation period a registration fee of $2 is required. Payments must be in US dollars drawn on a US bank, and should be sent to: Thomas Willoughby 23303 Harvard Shore Clinton Township, MI 48035 When payment & a self addressed stamped envelope is received you will be sent a password to register your version of TrashCan. One registered copy of TrashCan may be dedicated to a single person who uses the software on one or more computers or to a single workstation used by multiple people. You may access the registered version of TrashCan through a network, provided that you have obtained individual licenses for the software covering all workstations that will access the software through the network. Governing Law This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Michigan. Disclaimer of Warranty This software and the accompanying files are sold "as is" and without warranties as to performance of merchantability or any other warranties whether expressed or implied. Because of the various hardware and software environments into which TrashCan may be put, no warranty of fitness for a particular purpose is offered. Good data processing procedure dictates that any program be thoroughly tested with non-critical data before relying on it. The user must assume the entire risk of using the program. Any liability of the seller will be limited exclusively to product replacement or refund of purchase price.